
CWE: Bethel Haitian Church

In October 2020, Stuart’s Plumbing sent a team to Seffner, FL to help CWE Missions build the Bethel Haitian Church. Martin, Luis, AP, Jonathan, Stuart, and Stuart’s 7 year old son helped to complete the plumbing rough in and installed the drain lines and grease trap for the church. Our Stuart’s crew was able to team up with Centerstate Plumbing to tackle this new construction project and had a great time getting to know each other, growing in their skills, and contributing to a great cause. The mission of the Bethel Haitian Church of Brandon is to evangelize to and serve the local Haitian community. With all of the craziness of 2020 and overseas missions trips being canceled, it was a great opportunity for the guys to serve and use their plumbing skills to help on a local missions project.